========================== What's new in PyPy2.7 5.10 ========================== .. this is a revision shortly after release-pypy2.7-v5.9.0 .. startrev:d56dadcef996 .. branch: cppyy-packaging Cleanup and improve cppyy packaging .. branch: docs-osx-brew-openssl .. branch: keep-debug-symbols Add a smartstrip tool, which can optionally keep the debug symbols in a separate file, instead of just stripping them away. Use it in packaging .. branch: bsd-patches Fix failures on FreeBSD, contributed by David Naylor as patches on the issue tracker (issues 2694, 2695, 2696, 2697) .. branch: run-extra-tests Run extra_tests/ in buildbot .. branch: vmprof-0.4.10 Upgrade the _vmprof backend to vmprof 0.4.10 .. branch: fix-vmprof-stacklet-switch .. branch: fix-vmprof-stacklet-switch-2 Fix a vmprof+continulets (i.e. greenelts, eventlet, gevent, ...) .. branch: win32-vcvars .. branch: rdict-fast-hash Make it possible to declare that the hash function of an r_dict is fast in RPython.